
10 Foods That Will Keep Your Arteries Healthy

Atherosclerosis, the fancy term for clogged arteries, has been an issue in many countries for years. One study found that in Western countries especially, it’s the underlying cause of about 50% of all deaths. 

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that our diet, among other things like family history and blood pressure, has a direct impact on the health of our arteries. The foods we eat can contribute to the clogging of our arteries, or they can help prevent it.

So, here’s 10 foods you should try to eat more of to keep your arteries healthy.


The American Heart Association suggests eating at least two servings of fish every week. This is because fish is packed with a surprising amount of nutrients, like calcium, protein, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially, are wonderful for your heart and arteries, as they help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce inflammation. Omega-3s also help to reduce the presence of cellular adhesion molecules, which are one of the prime suspects behind clogged arteries. 

Several studies have also directly shown fish’s ability to help prevent clogged arteries. For example, one study involving 961 people found that those who ate at least two servings of fish per week had much lower rates of atherosclerosis compared to those who ate less than one serving a week.

Berries & Citrus Fruits

Berries, like blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries, are renowned for their ability to boost heart health and fight inflammation. So, it’s no surprise that these berries also reduce the risk of clogged arteries. Berries are loaded with several nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. These nutrients collectively reduce inflammation and cholesterol accumulation, subsequently improving artery function and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis. Berries also help prevent high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels. 

Citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruit, are also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and improve artery function. They also contain something called flavonoids. Flavonoids from citrus fruits help to eliminate free radicals from oxidizing bad (LDL) cholesterol. This is a huge benefit, since oxidized LDL cholesterol is linked to the clogging of the arteries. 


Beans are yet another popular item recognized for its heart health benefits. This is because they are loaded with fiber, and countless studies have shown the effects of fiber on reducing the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol. When your cholesterol levels are kept in check, this single-handedly lowers your risk of atherosclerosis. Several studies have also found that having a diet that is rich in beans helps to improve artery function and decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, which may also reduce the risk of clogged arteries.

Leafy Greens

We’ve always been told how important it is to eat our green veggies! That’s because leafy greens, like lettuce, spinach, arugula, and kale, contain an unbelievable amount of nutrients that all protect against clogged arteries. 

One of many awesome nutrients leafy greens contain are dietary nitrates, which help to reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel function. Another nutrient they contain is potassium, which protects against vascular calcification. Vascular calcification is simply a process that leads to clogged arteries. On top of keeping our arteries healthy, leafy greens and the numerous nutrients they contain, significantly lower the risk of heart disease.


Onions aren’t just the perfect addition to most meals, but also the perfect way to help keep your arteries healthy. 

Onions, along with things like garlic, scallions, and chives, belong to the Allium genus family. One study conducted over the span of 15 years found that the participants who consumed more Allium vegetables had a lower risk of death related to clogged arteries and subsequent diseases. In onions specifically, scientists believe that this effect is due to the sulfur compounds they contain, which help prevent the clumping together of platelets in the bloodstream and prevent inflammation. 


Oats are another powerhouse food that prevent clogged arteries and even help those who already have it. 

Studies have shown that eating oats can significantly ease some of the risk factors for clogged arteries, like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Oat bran is also highly beneficial, as it’s loaded with fiber. As mentioned before, fiber is a great way to regulate cholesterol and reduce inflammation, which subsequently lowers the risk of clogged arteries. One study that examined 716 people affected by coronary artery disease found that those who regularly ate oat fiber had lower levels of inflammation and LDL (bad) cholesterol than those who did not eat oat fiber.


In addition to all the many vitamins and minerals tomatoes contain, they contain plant compounds that are great for your arteries.

One of these plant compounds is lycopene, which helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels, eliminate inflammation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Surprisingly, cooked tomatoes combined with olive oil has been speculated to provide the greatest protection against clogged arteries. However, regardless if the tomatoes are cooked and in olive oil or not, they are all great for regulating your cholesterol and lowering your risk of atherosclerosis.  

Dark Chocolate & Cocoa

It’s always nice to know that such a delicious treat can be great for your health! Along with reducing the risk of clogged arteries, dark chocolate and cocoa have been found to combat strokes, heart disease, and diabetes. One study involving 2,217 participants even associated chocolate consumption with less atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries. This is because these treats are filled with antioxidants and even the plant compound, polyphenol, which is highly beneficial for people with clogged arteries. 

It’s important to remember that these benefits are only for dark chocolate that is low in sugar and has more than 85% cocoa content. The more popular, sugary milk chocolate definitely won’t have these same benefits! 

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds may be tiny, but they’re definitely mighty in nutrients like protein, fiber, healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. Regularly eating nuts and seeds is an excellent way to keep your arteries healthy. 

Several studies have shown the effects of nuts and seeds to reduce high blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol, while also increasing the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Other studies have found that these foods lower blood sugar levels and fight against diabetes. Some research has even suggested that nuts and seeds can boost blood vessel function and ward off heart disease. So, eating nuts and seeds basically prevents all of the risk factors for clogged arteries, keeping your arteries nice and healthy!


There are several popular spices that don’t just season your food well, but also keep your arteries healthy. For example, studies have found that ginger, pepper, chili, and cinnamon are just a few of the many spices that may protect against clogged arteries by reducing inflammation and hindering platelets in the bloodstream from clumping together. 

Boost Your Overall Health With Our Aloha Pepper!

Another spice that isn’t just incredible for your heart and arteries, but your overall health, too, is our Aloha Pepper. Crafted from locally sourced, dried papaya seeds, our pepper is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, which all offer countless benefits. For example, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, and boosted gut and kidney health are just a few of these benefits! So, season your meals with our Aloha Pepper and start enjoying all of the benefits!

Order your Aloha Pepper today or don’t hesitate to contact us with any question or concerns you may have.