It’s no secret that the foods you eat can have a direct impact on your energy levels. For example, eating a lot of sugary, processed foods can actually make you feel sluggish, while eating a handful of almonds and fruit can help maintain your energy levels.
While all foods do have nutrients that increase your energy levels in some way, there are some foods that have been proven more than others to help elevate your energy levels, alertness, and focus. Here are 12 of those foods (plus 2 beverages).
Fatty Fish
If you’ve read some of our previous blog posts, you know how beneficial fatty fish is! Not only is it great for heart and artery health, inflammation, and tons of other things, it’s also a great way to get a natural energy boost.
Fatty fish, like tuna and salmon, are packed with protein, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids that all help give you energy. They also contain a vitamin known as vitamin B12, which works with folic acid to produce red blood cells and iron. Studies have shown that a decent amount of red blood cells and iron can boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes aren’t just super delicious and great for your heart, gut, and arteries. These highly nutritious delicacies are also a great source of energy. This is because sweet potatoes are high in both fiber and carbs. Your body digests these nutrients slowly, which results in a steady supply of energy, according to several studies.
Bananas are surprisingly one of the most effective foods for boosting your energy levels. Amongst all of the other nutrients they contain, bananas are packed with complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B6, which studies have shown can all help significantly improve your energy levels.
Brown Rice
Brown rice is filled with a surprising amount of nutrients. It’s much more nutritious than white rice, since it’s less processed, and contains lots more vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
Just a half of a cup of brown rice provides you with a significant amount of manganese, which is a mineral that assists enzymes in breaking down nutrients to generate energy. Because of the fiber content, brown rice can also help regulate blood sugar levels and help to maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.
Eggs are the perfect breakfast food, not just because they are super tasty but also because they are a great source of sustained energy.
One of the main nutrients eggs are packed with is protein, which itself provides a steady source of energy throughout the day. Eggs also contain the amino acid known as leucine, which has been shown to promote energy production. Lastly, eggs are rich in vitamin B, which helps enzymes break down food for energy.
Apples aren’t just one of the most popular fruits in the world, but they’re also pretty nutritious and energizing.
Carbs, natural sugars, and fibers are just a few of the many nutrients found in apples. Because of these nutrients, apples can provide a continuous, steady stream of energy to the body. These fruits are also high in antioxidants, which help to sustain the energy release over a more extended period of time.
Dark Chocolate
Due to its high cocoa content, dark chocolate is yet another delicacy that not only offers many health benefits, but can provide a steady stream of energy.
Studies show that the antioxidants in cocoa help to increase blood flow throughout the body. Not only is this great for your brain, heart, and muscles, as the increased delivery of oxygen enhances their functioning, but this can also boost mood and reduce mental fatigue.
Dark chocolate also contains stimulatory compounds, like caffeine and theobromine. Studies show that these compounds can boost your mood and mental energy.
Hummus is the perfect afternoon snack, not just because it tastes great, but because all of the ingredients come together to create an impressive source of energy.
While the chickpeas in hummus are packed with complex carbs and fiber, the sesame seed paste and oil in hummus are a good source of healthy fats. These nutrients provide a steady source of energy, while also deterring blood sugar spikes from occurring.
Oatmeal is a favored breakfast idea for a reason! These whole grains can provide a sustained source of energy that can last a surprising amount of time.
Oats are packed with things like vitamin B, iron, manganese, and other nutrients that help the energy production process. They also contain a type of soluble fiber called beta glucan, which slows the stomach from emptying and the absorption of glucose into the blood. All of this collectively makes for a long-lasting release of energy that will keep your body going.
Among the long list of benefits of avocados, these superfoods are also a fantastic source of energy.
Avocados are rich in several nutrients, like healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Studies have shown that these healthy fats, in particular, encourage optimal blood fat levels and increase the absorption of nutrients, resulting in sustained energy. They can also be stored in the body and leveraged for energy when needed.
The high fiber content in avocados can also help sustain energy levels, too.
Edamame beans are another great afternoon snack to give you a much-needed energy boost.
Different studies have shown that edamame beans are high in protein, carbs, fiber, and vitamins that can all enhance energy levels in different ways. They also contain a significant amount of the mineral molybdenum, which helps stimulate the breakdown of nutrients for energy. So, eating edamame is a great way to combat fatigue and gain a steady stream of natural energy.
Nuts may be small, but they are filled with nutrients that all encourage energy production.
Most nuts, like almonds and walnuts, are popular because of their abundance of healthy fats, protein, antioxidants, and carbs. All of these nutrients provide a steady and sustained release of energy. Walnuts, especially, have been found to increase energy levels and fight against inflammation, because of their high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, along with antioxidants.
Bonus: Green Tea & Water
Though these aren’t foods, green tea and water is another thing you can consume for energy.
Green tea contains caffeine and tons of antioxidants that can increase energy levels, while also preventing oxidative stress and inflammation. Green tea also contains something called L-theanine, which can ease some of the effects of caffeine, like the jitters and anxiety, and result in a much smoother energy boost.
Water is good for everything, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s good for an energy boost, too! A lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can lead to sluggishness and tiredness. So, stay hydrated to maintain energy and combat feelings of fatigue.
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One way to maintain your energy levels is by simply taking care of your health. Luckily our Aloha Pepper seasoning can help you do so! Just add this savory pepper to any meal to not only enhance the taste, but to experience a variety of health benefits with every bite, from boosted kidney and gut health to reduced blood pressure and cholesterol.
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