Nearly everyone has seen the “organic” label on a variety of different products, from fresh produce to premade meals, while browsing through the grocery store. And, nearly everyone has heard that these organic products are the healthier options. However, few are actually aware of why eating organic foods is so important and what makes them healthier. Here are 5 reasons why you should stick to organic foods and what exactly the term “organic” means.
What Does “Organic” Mean?
Before we talk about why eating organic foods is one of the best things you can do for yourself, it’s important to understand a little bit about what makes something organic.
The term “organic” is simply used to describe the way agricultural products are grown and processed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, products that are USDA certified organic foods must be raised without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. The products must also adhere to several other guidelines that focus on things like soil quality, animal raising practices, pest and weed control, and use of additives. In other words, products that are organic must be grown and processed using the most natural substances and methods possible, rather than with synthetic chemicals and unnatural means.
Why You Should Eat Organic Foods
Now that you know a little bit about what classifies food as “organic,” let’s get into the benefits of eating organic foods.
1. You limit your exposure to harmful pesticides
In conventional, modern agriculture, the use of insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers and weedkillers is common practice. Agricultural products are doused in these chemicals to prevent insects and weeds from harming the crops. However, the residue of these unwholesome pesticides can’t simply be washed off. Instead, they remain on the non-organic foods we eat, poisoning our bodies and causing long-lasting health problems. Eating organic foods significantly decreases the amount of harmful chemicals in your diet, as toxic, synthetic pesticides are prohibited in organic farming.
2. You avoid GMOs
When something contains Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), it means that it was genetically altered or modified in ways that can’t occur naturally. Usually, GMOs are used to make things, like animals or produce, grow bigger and faster. While the long-term effects of GMOs haven’t been studied much since they are still relatively new, GMOs have been linked to contributing to the development of cancer, affecting people’s ability to fight against illnesses, and several other detrimental effects. Eating organic foods ensures that you avoid these GMOs, as they are fortunately prohibited in organic farming.
3. You get better nutrition
Organic foods have been shown in numerous different studies to be more nutritious and healthy than non-organic foods. Organic foods contain more vitamins, nutrients, and even antioxidants than conventionally raised foods, and lack the artificial colors and preservatives that are linked to countless health problems. Furthermore, a European study in 2016 found that the levels of several nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids (an unsaturated healthy fat), were up to 50% higher in organic foods. Overall, your body appreciates the increased amount of nutrition in organic foods much more than the minimum amount of nutrition in non-organic foods.
4. You are helping the environment
In eating organic foods, you are helping the environment in multiple ways. Organic farming reduces pollution, reduces soil erosion, releases fewer greenhouse gas emissions, stops harmful chemicals from getting into drinking water, and so much more. It also helps to restore soil health, as the use of organic fertilizers and other organic matter, like composting, rebuilds soil health and increases soil fertility. Organic farming is also healthier for both individuals and animals who live around the farms because of the absence of harmful pesticides.
5. You avoid cancerous synthetic hormones and antibiotics
The same exact synthetic hormones and antibiotics that are found in non-organic, processed foods, especially meat, have been linked to increasing the risk of cancer. These antibiotics are given to conventional livestock to help them avoid illnesses so they can be raised in crowded, unsanitary conditions, while they are also injected with synthetic hormones to make them grow faster. However, just like the harmful pesticides, traces of these chemicals can still be found in the non-organic foods after they have been processed, meaning these chemicals enter into and harm the human body. Eating organic foods ensures that you avoid these cancerous toxins, as synthetic hormones and antibiotics are prohibited in organic farming.
Looking For Something to Spice Up Your Organic Foods?
Our Aloha Pepper is a great way to not only spice up your organic meals, but to also improve your gut health! With a unique, peppery, and slightly sweet flavor, our product is rich in antioxidants and digestive enzymes, fights infections, promotes kidney health, protects against cancer, and so much more. Just sprinkle it over your dish and enjoy the several health benefits AND savory taste!
Try our product today or contact us with any questions or concerns!