Why You Should Drink More Herbal Tea

Why You Should Drink More Herbal Tea

There’s something about a hot, soothing cup of herbal tea that just naturally makes everything more cozy and nice. Even in the summer, a cold glass of herbal tea is the perfect refresher. Regardless if it’s the dead of winter or mid-day in the summer, herbal tea is simply a wonderful beverage.

Luckily, herbal teas aren’t just super tasty. They have much more health benefits than most are aware of and are caffeine-free. Though the specific benefits vary depending on the kind, most bring with it lots of benefits, like nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. This is because herbal teas are made from a variety of beneficial ingredients, like dried flowers, herbs, spices, and fruits, rather than the typical tea plant other teas are made from.

Here’s 8 reasons why you should drink more herbal tea, along with some suggestions you should definitely try.

It Helps With Digestion

Herbal tea has been shown to support your digestive system in many ways. They can improve the blood flow throughout your digestive system, eliminate the free radicals that cause indigestion and stomach upset, and absorb gas. Herbal teas also assist your digestive system with absorbing nutrients more easily. Last but not least, most herbal teas contain something called phenols, which combat acid reflux and heartburn by strengthening your stomach and esophagus muscles. 

So, a nice cup of tea is the perfect thing to indulge in after a meal to promote optimal digestion or to ease stomach upset.

Herbal Tea for Digestion: Ginger tea, Chamomile tea, Chai tea

It Boosts Your Immune System

What’s one of the first things people reach for when they’re not feeling so good? Hot tea! Herbal tea has the ability to boost your immune system due to their antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and other awesome properties. The high amount of antioxidants in them also help to eliminate toxins and help the immune system fight against infections. Some herbal teas, like Ginseng Tea, even boost white blood cell production (which fight against infections) and hinder virus replication, resulting in a much-shorter period of sickness. Other herbal teas, like Dandelion Tea, actually have diuretic properties, which can help flush your system to get it back to normal.

Herbal Tea that Supports Immune System: Ginseng tea, Dandelion tea, Licorice tea, Cayenne tea, Turmeric tea, Lemongrass tea

It Helps Reduce Soreness and Pain

As just mentioned above, herbal teas have anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease aches and pains. Studies have shown that different herbal teas can minimize aches from issues like arthritis, celiac, and migraines, along with menstrual cramps. Herbal teas are also helpful in alleviating aches from illnesses like the flu or common cold and even easing soreness from a workout by relaxing the muscle fibers. 

Herbal Tea for Pain and Soreness: Turmeric tea, Sage tea, Lavender tea, Peppermint tea

It Reduces Stress & Promotes Sleep

Everyone knows a cup of hot tea is a great way to unwind and ease any stress. All throughout history and even today, tea is known for its calming, relaxing effects. Certain teas, like Lemon Balm tea actually help to reduce stress hormones, like cortisol, while other herbal teas like peppermint tea, contain menthol, which is a naturally occurring muscle relaxant. Most herbal teas also contain flavonoids that combat anxiety. One study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that chamomile tea was an effective way to treat generalized anxiety disorder. So, overall, herbal teas encourage total body relaxation and decreased stress and anxiety.

Because of these natural, relaxing effects, herbal tea also combats sleep disorders like insomnia and restless sleep. The natural sedatives can help you get to sleep faster and rest better. 

Herbal Tea for Restful Sleep and Reduced Stress: Chamomile tea, Lemon Balm tea, Peppermint tea, Passion Flower tea

It Helps to Prevent Chronic Diseases

As mentioned several times above, herbal teas are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. These antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. Herbal tea also contains polyphenols, which have been shown to decrease the likelihood of cancer and heart disease and widen the arteries. Widened arteries can result in decreased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and chances of blood clots. Other herbal teas, like Rooibos tea, have even been shown to prevent osteoporosis and brain deterioration. All of these benefits are why herbal teas are frequently used to fight against or prevent chronic diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure, across the globe, especially in Asia. 

Herbal Tea to Prevent Chronic Diseases: Hibiscus tea, Rooibos tea, Chamomile tea, Sage tea

Boost Your Health Even More With Our Aloha Pepper!

Another way to significantly boost your overall health, improve your digestion, and combat chronic diseases is to simply sprinkle our Aloha Pepper seasoning over any meal. It’s that easy! With every bite, you’ll get loads of antioxidants and other nutrients that offer multiple health benefits. Our Aloha Pepper is also super delicious and will add a savory, peppery taste to your meals. 

Order your Aloha Pepper today or contact us with any questions or concerns you may have!