Foods that help with inflammation

7 Foods that Reduce Inflammation

While inflammation is a natural and good process that helps to protect and heal your body, not all inflammation is actually good. When your immune system identifies things that it doesn’t like, such as chemicals from processed foods or excess sugar, it triggers inflammation. This is completely fine intermittently, but sometimes the inflammation persists. This is when it becomes harmful, as several major diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, have been linked to chronic inflammation.

So, how can you reduce any persisting inflammation in your body? The answer: the Earth’s natural gift of food! We can use food as a “farmeceutical” to help heal our bodies and eliminate inflammation. Here are 10 foods that reduce inflammation which you should definitely start incorporating into your diet.

1. Fruit

Fruits are an awesome way to reduce inflammation, and they taste great! There are several fruits that have anti-inflammatory properties, like the following:

  • Berries. Berries, like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and the long list of others are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They have antioxidants known as anthocyanins that reduce inflammation and boost your immune system.
  • Grapes. Grapes also contain anthocyanins that combat inflammation and boost your immune system. Some studies have shown that grapes may also reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases.
  • Cherries. Just like the fruits above, cherries, too, are packed with several antioxidants, like anthocyanins, that reduce inflammation. One study observed that eating 280 grams of cherries each day for a month lowered the level of inflammatory markers in all participants. This effect continued even 28 days after they stopped eating the cherries.

2. Tomatoes

Whether you consider a tomato a fruit, vegetable, or both, this produce is filled with so many wonderful things. Tomatoes contain high amounts of potassium and vitamin C, along with the antioxidant lycopene, which has great anti-inflammatory properties. One study showed that the inflammatory markers in women with excess weight who consistently drank tomato juice was significantly decreased over time. Other studies have also suggested that lycopene may help to eliminate pro-inflammatory compounds that have been linked to several types of cancer. Overall, tomatoes are great to add to your diet to help get rid of inflammation. Try cooking them in olive oil and using this delicious veggie as a topping for your dinners, or adding them to your salad.

3. Fatty Fish

Not only is fish an awesome source of protein, but it also contains EPA and DHA, both of which are just omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to eliminate inflammation. A few studies have proven these effects, as they reported that participants who ingested salmon or EHA and DHA supplements had reduced inflammatory markers at the conclusion of the trial.

While all fish do offer some sort of omega-3 fatty acids, a few of the best fish to get this from is salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies, and mackerel.

4. Vegetables

Here’s yet another reason why you should eat your veggies: they help reduce inflammation! Vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower are classified as cruciferous vegetables. These cruciferous vegetables are packed with antioxidants, like sulforaphane, that fight inflammation. Several studies have also associated cruciferous vegetables with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. This could be partly the result of the anti-inflammatory properties they contain.

Other non-cruciferous veggies that still have awesome anti-inflammatory properties are peppers and mushrooms. Bell peppers and chili peppers are filled with super effective antioxidants that fight against inflammation, along with vitamin C. Mushrooms contain many antioxidants too, like phenols, that offer anti-inflammatory benefits. So, try to eat as much of these veggies as you can, whether it be in the form of a smoothie, side at dinner, or salad!

5. Healthy Fats

Olive oil and coconut oil are two great sources of healthy fats. These products contain monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to several health benefits, like a decreased risk of serious health conditions. They also contain an antioxidant known as oleocanthal, whose anti-inflammatory effects are comparable to that of anti-inflammatory drugs. So, try to incorporate these healthy fats into your diet! One way you can do so is by simply cooking with these oils.

Other recommended sources of healthy fats are high-fat fruits like avocados and olives. These, too, are packed with monounsaturated fats, along with fiber, magnesium, and potassium. In one study, participants who added just a slice of avocado to their hamburgers had less inflammatory markers than those who did not consume the avocado. So, try to also incorporate high-fat fruits, like avocados and olives, into your meals as frequently as possible.

6. Dark Chocolate

Who knew something as wonderful as chocolate could provide health benefits! Several studies have proven that dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa is filled with antioxidants that reduce inflammation. If there is a higher percentage of cocoa than that, there is an even better outcome of anti-inflammatory effects. This reduced inflammation may also decrease your chances of serious diseases and promote healthier aging. So, you don’t have to feel guilty treating yourself to some rich, dark chocolate, as it’s actually boosting your health!

7. Nuts

Healthy nuts, like almonds and pecans, are packed with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, yet contain very little unhealthy saturated fats. These healthy fats, as we discussed above, have significant anti-inflammatory properties and have been linked to several other health benefits, like reduced risk of heart disease. Furthermore, some nuts, like almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans, contain lots of vitamin E, which has been shown in one study to reduce inflammation as well. These healthy nuts make the perfect snack, so when snack time comes around, try reaching for a handful of nuts rather than that bag of chips!

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