Is your diet weakening your immune system

Is Your Diet Weakening Your Immune System?

Your immune system is basically your body’s defense system. It defends your body from infections and keeps a record of every germ it has ever attacked so that it can instantly identify and destroy that germ if it ever enters your body again. In other words, your immune system keeps you healthy and strong.

With the coronavirus pandemic we are currently in the midst of, keeping your immune system strong is vital. However, many of us consume foods every single day that actually weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses. Here are some types of foods you’ll definitely want to avoid to keep your immune system as strong as possible.

Foods and Drinks That Weaken Your Immune System

Super Sugary Foods and Drinks

Though it tastes oh so wonderful, excessive sugar is horrible for not just your immune system’s health, but your overall health. Several studies, such as one published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, have shown that when you eat or drink too much sugar, it restrains the microbes that attack the bad bacteria and limits their ability to kill it. This result lasts at least a few hours, meaning your immune system is suppressed quite a while after you consume this sugar. And, while these microbes are suppressed, the bad bacteria is allowed to remain in your body. If you keep ingesting more sugar, this effect only lingers on. So, while you don’t have to completely avoid sugar, your immune system will sincerely thank you if you cut back on the unnecessary sodas, desserts, and other super sugary items!

RELATED: Why You Need Probiotics and Where to Get Them From

Excessively Salty Foods

Excessive salt is commonly known to create problems like high blood pressure. However, a recent study conducted in March by the University Hospital of Bonn revealed that a high amount of salt can also weaken your immune system. In the study, both mice and humans were given increased amounts of salt each day. At the end of the study, the mice were found to suffer from much more severe bacterial infections, meaning their immune system could not properly engulf the bad bacteria, while the human participants had immune deficiencies. This is the first study that proves that excessive salt significantly weakens the immune system in both humans and animals. So, try not to reach for the salt-shaker as much, or try to avoid the food we’ll talk about next.

Processed Foods

Consuming highly processed foods or chemically processed foods is a guaranteed way to negatively impact your immune system. Processed foods are practically always high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats, and we already talked about why excessive sugar and salt harms your immune system. Not only does the sugar suppress your microbes and the salt create immune deficiencies, these processed foods ultimately cause the wrong type of bacteria and yeast to grow. This compromises our immune system, as we now have more bad bacteria and yeast in our body than before.

Another reason why we should steer clear of processed foods is because they cause our immune system to activate an inflammation response to protect our cells and tissues. That’s right, your body does not want to be exposed to all of that sugar, salt, chemicals, and unhealthy fats, so it overreacts and triggers inflammation. This inflammation impairs your immune system, limiting its functioning significantly. So, if you want to lend your immune system a helping hand, avoid processed foods! You’ll definitely cut out a significant amount of sugar and salt in the process.

Excessive Alcohol

Nothing is wrong with a glass of wine every now and then. In fact, several studies show that moderate alcohol consumption may have some health benefits. However, excessive alcohol consumption, whether it be short-term or long-term, can have some negative impacts on your immune system.

Several studies have shown the link between excessive alcohol consumption and an increased susceptibility to several illnesses. These illnesses include pneumonia, tuberculosis, other pulmonary diseases, acute respiratory stress syndrome (ARDS), alcoholic liver disease (ALD), sepsis, and even certain cancers. Excessive alcohol consumption has also been linked to a slower and less complete recovery from trauma and infection and a higher likelihood of postoperative complications. In other words, consuming too much alcohol can negatively impact your immune system in a variety of different ways. So, if you find yourself drinking too much, try to consume no more than one drink per day for women and two for men. If you think you may need help doing so, there are several counseling resources available that you should definitely reach out to for support.

What Foods Boost My Immune System?

We’ve talked about what foods weaken your immune system, but what foods boost your immune system?

Overall, just try to eat healthy! Eat a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and green vegetables. Some super good ones to eat are grapefruit, lemons, oranges, papaya, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, and spinach. Try to consume an adequate amount of fiber too, as a higher intake of fiber supports healthy immune function. You can get fiber from foods like whole grains, beans, peas, nuts, lentils, fruits, and veggies. Another way to boost your immune system is by eating foods with probiotics, like yogurt. Lastly, stick to organic foods! Many studies have proven that organic foods are more nutritious and contain more healthy fats than non-organic foods. Plus, organic foods also don’t contain cancerous hormones and antibiotics that will trigger or inflame your immune system.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why You Should Stick to Organic Foods

So, to protect you, your family, and all of your immune systems, especially in our current climate, cut out these bad foods and eat more healthy foods!

Boost Your Immune System With Our Aloha Pepper!

Another super easy way to boost your immune system AND add some delicious spice to your meals is with our Aloha Pepper! Our Aloha Pepper is made with papaya fruit, which is loaded with vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory effects, making them super great for your immune system. So, you can make your meals healthier while making them taste better! Order your Aloha Pepper spice today or contact us with any questions!