The concept of gut health and our gut microbiome has become an increasingly popular topic, and for good reason! The complexity of our gut microbiome is super important to understand, as science has continuously shown that it has a huge impact on our overall health.
But, what exactly is a “gut microbiome” and why is it important? Keep reading for answers!
What is the Gut Microbiome?
Your gut microbiome is simply the several different organisms that live in your intestines. These organisms are specifically made up of individual microbes, which are a combination of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. While some of these microbes are harmful, many are crucial and necessary to the human body. So, not all bacteria is bad for you!
Why Is Gut Health Important?
Though the digestive system used to be considered a simple system that just handled food consumption and digestion, it is actually much more than that. A healthy gut, that has a proper balance of good and bad bacteria, assists your digestive system, controls inflammation, supports your immune system, prevents the influx of bad bacteria that makes you sick, supports your cell functioning, and much more.
Numerous studies within the past two decades especially have even found links between gut health and mental health, mood, skin conditions, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and more. One study found that having proper gut health and a variety of “good” bacteria in your microbiome can reduce symptoms of depression, combat obesity, and significantly boost your immune system. So, your body’s gut microbiome, and the trillions of microbes it’s composed of, deserves some care, as it has definitely proven to play a role in our overall health.
Many scientists have also actually referred to the gut as the body’s “second brain.” This is because the trillions of bacteria in your gut – the microbiome – and brain are in constant communication, sending each other messages.
For example, when a certain food has made us sick, the gut tells your brain that you no longer want that food, nor even want to look at it or smell it. Or, when we’re anxious, we may feel abdominal pain, nausea, or “butterflies,” because the brain and your gut are in constant communication.
How to Improve Your Gut Health
Surprisingly, what you eat has a significant impact on your gut bacteria. Here’s how your diet can improve your gut health.
Eat Lots of Veggies, Beans, Fruit, and Legumes
All of these things are high in fiber, and while fiber can’t be digested by the body, it does stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut. Some studies have also shown that consuming lots of fruits and veggies prevents the growth of disease-causing bacteria. Others have found that some fruits and veggies, like apples, artichokes, and blueberries, increase a certain type of bacteria that prevents inflammation and boosts gut health.
Eat Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are things like yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, and tempeh. These foods are packed with bacteria like lactobacili, which is beneficial to your health. Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of fermented foods have reduced inflammation and risk of chronic diseases.
Eat Prebiotics and Probiotics
Prebiotics are foods that stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics are good bacteria that are naturally in your body and gut. Studies have shown that eating an adequate amount of these things can boost gut health and reduce the risk factors for many diseases, like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
Some examples of prebiotics are whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans, and artichokes. Probiotics can be taken either by supplement or consumed thru foods like yogurt, kombucha, pickles, and miso.
Don’t Eat Too Much Artificial Sweeteners
Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners, like aspartame and Splenda, can have a negative impact on our gut health. Though it does reduce weight gain, it’s also been shown to increase blood sugar and, with aspartame especially, increase the amounts of bacteria associated with diseases.
Looking for a Super Easy Way to Enhance Your Gut Health?
Boosting your gut health doesn’t have to be difficult! It’s as simple as topping your meals with our delicious pepper.
Our Aloha Pepper seasoning is a highly effective way of enhancing your gut health with every bite. Just add it to any meal for lots of antioxidants and digestive enzymes that not only enhance your gut health, but promote kidney and digestive health and protect against cancer. Made from local, organic papaya seeds and dried to perfection, our Aloha Pepper is the perfect, healthy addition to add to any dish! Order your Aloha Pepper today or contact us with any questions!